Origins and Innovations: Historic campus tours
Take brand-new, self-guided tours of the University during our bicentenary year – in person and on campus, or remotely, from anywhere in the world.
Get the app
Search ‘Visit UoM’ in the App Store or Google Play.
Or download the Visit UoM app via QR code:
We’re marking our bicentenary year with not one but two new self-guided tours of the University’s historic campus.
Innovations Tour
The first, our Innovations Tour, celebrates 200 years of The University of Manchester’s innovations – our groundbreaking firsts and discoveries – and is available now.
It takes 25 minutes and tells the story of our innovators and how their pursuit of knowledge and discovery is shaping not only Manchester, but the world.
Origins Tour
Our Origins Tour will be launching at our bicentenary festival, Universally Manchester, this summer (6 to 9 June).
The 15-minute tour explores the University’s radically progressive beginnings; how barriers in higher education and wider society were broken down to establish the foundations of the UK’s first civic University.
Take the tours
Our app-based tours are easy to follow and accessible to use, whether you’re on campus or accessing them remotely from anywhere in the world.
The content and stops of the two tours are not repeated, presenting a fantastic opportunity to combine them into one 40-minute activity once the Origins Tour becomes available this summer.
Get the app
To begin, download the app by searching ‘Visit UoM’ in the App Store or Google Play.
Alternatively, you can download the app via the Visit UoM QR code:
Once downloaded, simply select the required guide from the ‘Find Guides’ section of the app.