Student support
At Manchester, we offer a wide range of support, from easily accessed online resources to peer support and one-to-one appointments with specialists from our award-winning services – all designed to help you make the most out of your university experience.
A supportive environment
We want you to do well in your studies and enjoy your student life. Your academic adviser will be able to assist you with the transition from school or college to university, and help you get to grips with studying and learning more independently. Support staff in every School will also be there to help with welfare issues.
You can use our student support resources to help with issues affecting your studies and your student life, including signposting and contact details for more specialist services, if required. If you're not sure where to go, it’s a good place to start.
The Student Services Centre will be your contact point for administrative questions throughout your student journey, from fees, immigration and student cards through to exams and graduation.
Student communities
Our peer mentor schemes are led by students, for students. Peer mentors are higher-year students on the same degree programme as you. Since they’ve already been a student at Manchester for at least a year, they should be able to help you with anything you might be worried or unsure about.
We understand that some students may be studying alongside other responsibilities. Our Students’ Union offers support, advice and networking for students living in halls as well as for students living at home.
Staying healthy
You’ll need to register with a local doctor for your healthcare. For dental care you’ll need to register with a local dentist, although our University Dental Hospital offers emergency treatment.
Staying safe
Safety and security are issues in all big cities, but we offer practical advice on the simple precautions you can take to maximise your personal security and safeguard your possessions. We also have our own security service which provides security across all campus areas.
The University takes a zero-tolerance approach to incidents of bullying, harassment and discrimination. Students, staff and visitors can report something anonymously or get support from an advisor should they see or experience it.
Tailored support
We know that everyone will have different areas they'll need support with, and we're here make sure that we can help with your general and specific concerns.
Pastoral care
Our academic advisers, Residential Life advisers and counselling service are here to support you.
Our Careers Service
Our Careers Service offers you everything you need to take control of your future, including mentoring.
Care experienced students
If you've been in local authority care, you may be eligible for financial help.
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Estranged students
Find out what support is available for you.
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Refugees and asylum seekers
Financial support available for sanctuary seekers.
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Mature students
Learn about how we support you with your return to education.
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Disabled students
If you have a disability, mental health condition or sensory processing disorder, you can get support from us.
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LGBTQ+ students
Manchester welcomes all students and we have specific services, support networks and facilities available to our LGBTQ+ community.
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