Levelling up: our research
We’re applying our understanding of society and culture to plot the way forward for a more balanced economy and more equitable country.
Prof Kieron Flanagan reflects on the North West Productivity Forum Green Paper on the causes of the region’s productivity gap.
Exploring the social impact of COVID-19, focusing on issues facing older people living in urban areas.
A podcast episode that asks can 'Levelling Up' raise productivity in the Northern Powerhouse?
The AHRC-funded project explores the role and value of theatre to towns across England.
A blog about 'Levelling Up' and the culture and creative industries, including cross-sector partnerships in Greater Manchester.
Greater Manchester is ideally placed to lead a northern research and development revolution, explains Professor Richard Jones.
Analysis and ideas on addressing digital inequalities, closing the digital divide and solutions to data poverty.
Andy Haldane, Bank of England Chief Economist, discusses how productivity, skills and devolution are key to the levelling up agenda.
Exploring the constraints of the 'devolution revolution', and local government and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Professor Andy Westwood writes about the importance of institutes and governance on productivity and regional inequality.
Studying the evolution of age group and gender-specific mortality and inequality in England from 2003 to 2016.
A free, online event examining the question: what has 2020 told us about the kind of devolution we need?
New proposals for house building targets in England must avoid creating a north-south divide.
A report calls for the Conservative government's rhetoric around 'Levelling Up' UK to be translated into a £375bn 25-year 'New Deal'.
With transport infrastructure investment still skewed towards London, we need a long-term strategy, says Dr Marianne Sensier.
Find the Unit's back catalogue of reports on inclusive growth in Greater Manchester and beyond.
Professor Bruce Tether examines the distribution and growth of the Creative Industries in the UK at a regional level.
The project provides a re-framing of race and class in post-Brexit Oldham.
University researchers highlight the stark differences in life expectancy across the UK using famous landmarks on a map.
Dr Marianne Sensier and Dr Elvira Uyarra outline how the need to 'level up' is all the more compelling as we recover from COVID-19.
Reviewing the role of governance structures across English regions in tackling spatial inequality and low productivity.