Japan / Study abroad
If you are currently enrolled as a degree-seeking student at any accredited Japanese University or college of higher education, you can apply to spend a semester or full year here at The University of Manchester.
The Manchester Study Abroad Programme is well suited to students from Japan, who find they can take advantage of the period of study abroad that is increasingly possible as part of many Japanese undergraduate degree programmes. There is a wide range of courses to choose from and you can join us for a single semester or a full academic year.
If you want to improve your English language skills before commencing your Study Abroad Programme, you can choose our English Language Pathway. This is similar to the main Study Abroad Programme except that you also undertake an intensive period of English language study with us before commencing your main year/semester academic programme. The language study component is carried out in the University Centre for Academic English at The University of Manchester.
Students applying from Japan may wish to use the services of The Japan Office of The University of Manchester. The staff there can help you with all aspects of your application. For further information and contact details please visit the Japan Office website.
Entry requirements for study abroad students are a minimum 75% (B) grade average or a cumulative GPA of 3.75/5.0.